Sunshine Blogger Award!!! (Round 10)


Time to share another wonderful tag!!! I’m truly honoured to be tagged for my 10th Sunshine Blogger Award. This one is thanks to the wonderful Emer at A Little Haze Book Blog. Sorry once again for the delay.

Don’t forget to follow Emer if you don’t already,

You can read Emer’s very own Sunshine Blogger Award here

You can read my previous Sunshine Blogger Award posts here: 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5, 6, 7, 8, 9



The Sunshine Blogger Award is given to those who are creative, positive and inspiring while spreading sunshine to the blogging community.


  • Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you.
  • Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
  • List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.


Questions from Emer:

1. Have you any bookish pet peeves?

Oh, so many. Here are just a few. Bending back the cover all the way back to the back of the book, braking the spine of a new book, dog earing pages.

2. What was your dream job as a little kid?

Working with children and animals.

3. What is your favourite genre of film to watch?

I love a good action or horror film. The more blood and gore the better.

4. How do you feel about roller coasters?

Due to my Brittles Bones I can’t go on them but would love to.

5. What is your favourite colour?

This is a hard one because it keeps changing. But it’s mainly hot pink, black and red

6. What was/is your favourite subject at school?

Home economics and design techniology I always liked being physically creative and making things but hated the theory side.

7. How would you describe your fashion sense?

Casual and comfy

8. Who is your favourite actor/actress?

Oh there are quite a few that I could list but I’m going to go with Eddie Redmayne as my favourite actor and Emma Watson as my favourite actress.

9. What are the three personality traits/characteristics that you think are most important in a good friend?

I don’t have a big group of friends but the ones who are close are all caring, great listeners and are always there when I need them so reliable.

10. How many books did you read in 2019?

In 2019 I read a total of 174 books.

11. What is your favourite feel-good song?

I don’t actually have a favourite song. I’m pretty easy to please when it comes to music. It just has to sound good.


My Questions for you:

I’m going to keep the questions as Nikita as I’m playing catch up with my posts.

1. What book should everybody read?

2. What genre do you never read? Why?

3. Where is the best place to read?

4. Which hyped book did you dislike/DNF?

5. What book or series do you hope and pray will be turned into a movie or TV show one day?

6. What attracts you to a book?

7. Do you have hobbies other than reading books and blogging about them? If yes, what are they?

8. Are there any books that are considered terrible but are your secret pleasure?

9. In general, do you think books are better or worse now than they used to be?

10. Have you ever joined or are part of a book club? if so what are you currently reading?

11. What’s one thing book blogging has taught you?


I nominate:

I want to tag everyone one reading this post. I truly believe everyone one you deserves this award.

If you decide to do this tag don’t forget to link back to this post so I can read all your wonderful answers.

You can also follow me on: Twitter || Instagram ||Goodreads ||Bloglovin


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      • 🤣 well at least anyone who borrows your books don’t have to be as careful 😜 and honestly I don’t really mind what people do to their own books as long as they don’t do any damage to mine. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      • Oh I think damaging someone else’s book is pretty reprehensible! Like I’m a natural spine breaker (no clue how people read without breaking the spine!) so if you were to lend me a book with an unbroken spine I’d simply hand it back to you. It’s just not right to treat someone else’s property in a way that doesn’t respect that person’s preferences ☺️☺️☺️

        Liked by 1 person