
Hi All!!!

Today’s post is all about the books I’ve DNF-ed this year.

As many of you may already know I’ve always hated the idea of DNF-ing books and I used to force myself to read them to the very end, even if I hated them. But, this year I tried my hand at DNF-ing. Even though I found it very hard to DNF the books, I have to admit it was quite satisfying in the end, as it meant I got to read and find some great reads instead.

Sorry in advance if any of your favourites are on this list. These are just books I couldn’t read and I have nothing against you or the author who as written them.

So, without further ado here are the 8 books I DNF-ed this year.

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Milkman by Anna Burns


I attempted to read this book 3 times in two weeks before giving up on it. I don’t know why but I just couldn’t get into it. It was a library book so I didn’t feel as guilty about not finishing it.

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Into The Water by Paula Hawkins


I attempted to read a physical copy of this book twice and then I tried to listen to it on audiobook, but once again I couldn’t get into it full, and decided it wasn’t for me. I found the book was a little slow and it didn’t seem to keep my attention.

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Prague Spring by Joy Simon Mawer

Prague Spring

I tried to read it for 3 days but couldn’t actually get into it. Usually I like reading historical fiction but I just couldn’t get into this one. I found it too slow, and nothing much interesting happened in the first 30 odd pages. At first I felt guilty for not getting further or finishing it as this was our May read for book club, but then I looked at all the other books waiting to be read.

page divider 5Elevation by Stephen King


I can’t believe I DNF’ed a Steven King book. I know some of his books are hit and miss but usually I can finish a book written by him but this one I just couldn’t get into. I tried to pick it up so many time but I just couldn’t get past the 20 page mark. I might try this one again in the future but this year it’s going on my DNF book list.

page divider 5The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzie Lee

The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue

I got about 20% imto this book but I just really struggled with it. In fact i tried reading and listening to this book but both times I found it really slow and boring.

page divider 5The Forgotten Waltz by Anne Enright

The Forgotten Waltz

This was our July read for book club. Nearly everyone had given up on this book. This one was another slow book that I just couldn’t justify carrying on reading.

page divider 5Why Mummy Swears by Jill Sims

Why Mummy Swears

This recommended to me by several family members and also a friend that doesn’t really read much. They all loved it so thought I would give it ago. I got up to page 115 and just couldn’t read any more of it. I simply found it too boring.

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The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August by Claire North

The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August

I only managed to read 15% of this book. I just couldn’t make myself continue to read it. It just wasn’t for me. Really glad it was a borrowed ebook from the library.

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Let me know in the comments which books you DNF-ed in 2019!!

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    • I actually picked it up a few times while at bookshops but always ended up putting it back by the time I got to the tills. So, glad I ended up borrowing it from the library too 😁


  1. Oh yikes. I just bought Elevation last month and had been waiting to get my hands on it. Tbh I haven’t heard many reviews of it… If I DNF’d books I would’ve DNF’d Into The Water coz ugh, that was painful 🙈 I still have to try Milkman but I’m gonna do the audiobook coz I love the accent 😍 Well done on DNFing, Mani! I’m still working up to it lol

    Liked by 1 person

    • Elevation just didn’t read like a Stephen King book for me. Milkman was just way too slow. I couldn’t get hold of it on audiobook at the time may give it a go on audiobook sometime in future but not a priority now lol.

      DNFing gets easier lol, but still refuse to DNF review books 😁


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