Liebster Award (Take 2)


Thank you so much Darina  over at Facing the Story for my nominating me for The Liebster Award back in September. Sorry it’s taken me so long to do this.

This is my 2nd take at Liebster award. You can read my first one here

Don’t forget to check out and follow Darina’s blog if you don’t already, and you can check out her answers here


“The Liebster Award is an award that exists only on the internet and is given to bloggers by other bloggers. The earliest case of the award goes as far back as 2011. Liebster in German means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome.” – The Global Aussie

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  • Say thank you to the person who has nominated you for the Award.
  • Answer the 11 questions the person has asked you
  • Nominate 11 people
  • Ask the people who you have nominated 11 questions

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My answers Darina’s  11 questions:

If you could pick anywhere in the world to be right now where would you pick and why?

Australia, Perth to be specific. It’s been over 3 years since I’ve seen my cousins. Also, the weather has started to warm up there.

Do you have any pet peeves?

I do, but the one that annoys me the most is when people eat with their mouth open and chew their food way to loudly.

Do you ever skip to read the last few pages of a book to find out how it ends?

Nope, I’ve been temped a few times but I don’t think I have ever done it.

If you had to keep only one physical book in your home which book would it be and why?

Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts it was one of the first big books I owned, and also it’s one of very few that both my bestie and I both agree on loving.

What is your opinion on audiobooks?

Absolutely love them. They have helped me get through a lot of books that are on my tbr, and they are great for listening to when travelling, especially as I get travel sick when I try reading in moving vehicle.

Do you have a favourite quote that you like to live by or follow?

“Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing. – Mother Teresa”

What’s the first thing you like to do when you get back home from a busy day?

Get changed into my comfy pyjamas and have a nice hot drink in the winter or a cold one in the summer.

Imagine you wake up one day only to realise that you are famous. Would you love it or hate it?

Oh, I think it would all depend on what I was famous for lol. But I think I would love it at a bit but then probably hate it.

If the world from Fahrenheit 451 ever becomes a reality how would you react and what would you do?

I would freak out at first then build an underground secret bunker where I would hide myself and all the books I could get into the bunker. I’d make sure it was self-sustainable so I would nicer have to leave it lol.

Is there a book that made you fall in love with reading?

One of the books I remember owning was Little Red Riding Hood and The Mrs Jolly’s Joke Shop by Allan Ahlberg. I loved both of these books I remember choosing these every time I was told to pick a book to read.

If you met your five year old self right now what advice would you give him/her?

Have fun and look after all your books, and do what you want to do when your older.

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I nominate:

Emer over at A Little Haze Book Blog

Amanda over at If there’s a haunted house in it, I’ll read it

Johana over at  Bookmarauder

Satou over at  Inkish Kingdoms

Crystal over at Crystal’s Book World 

Stalin over at Shalini’s Books & Reviews 

Christopher over at  Plucked from the Stacks

Aoide  over at  Pretty Purple Polkadots

Yea over at  Yna the Mood Reader

Gigi  over at The Beachy Reader

Dini over at  Dini Panda Reads

I also nominate anyone else who would like to take part.

My 11 questions for you?

    1. What’s the best book you’ve read so far this year and why?
    2. What do you like to do, other than read?
    3. What’s a book genre that you never read?
    • What’s the oldest read book on your shelf?
    1. What are the top 3 characteristics you look for in a good book?
    2. . How many books is too many books in a book series?
    3. A book you dislike that everyone else seem to love?
    4. Can you describe you perfect day?
    5. What genre do you rarely read, but wish you read more of?
    6. How many book do you currently have on your physical TBR pile/shelves?
    7. What advice would you give your younger self, if you could?


I can’t wait to read your answers and find out more about you. Also I totally understand if you don’t want to take part, absolutely no pressure. For those of you who do take part don’t forget to Link back to this post.

You can also follow me on: Twitter || Instagram ||Goodreads ||Bloglovin

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  1. Loved your answers…would love to participate even if I am not tagged…i just loved your questions for your nominees!
    I am 12 and started a book blog a 1 month ago so do not get tagged for many awards i think this will be my second award

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you Krisha!! Feel free to take part would love to read your answers 🥰. Don’t worry you’ll soon get tagged it’s early days 😉. Look forward to reading your posts. 😊❤


      • thanks…i have got tagged for beautiful blogger award and today i just got nominated for Liebster Award…really excited..otherwise i have many tags on my blogs and obviously reviews…do comment on my posts it will really make my day..and you will surely be on one of my nominee list…you have a great blog !

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I love your answers, Mani! I especially agree with building a bunker in case Fahrenheit 451 ever comes true, I could never imagine living without books! I also love that quote! Thanks for doing the tag and hope you enjoyed it:)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you so much for the nom Mani!!! :))) Can’t wait to answer your q’s. And omg people eating…mouth open…loud chewing… UGH CANNOT DEAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your answers are brilliant, loved reading them :)))) <333

    Liked by 1 person

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