First Lines Friday – 31st January 2020

First Lines Friday

Welcome to my “First Lines Fridays”. This is a weekly meme, that I first saw on Jill’s Book Blog and which is originally hosted by Wondering Words.


  1. Choose a book from your shelves/current read
  2. Open the book to the first page
  3. Copy the first line on the page, making sure you don’t give away the book title
  4. Reveal the book.


They’re coming!” are the words synonym with death.

The war cry sweeps along the eastern snowy slope of Hindu Kush Mountains in an avalanche of hoofs.”


Do you recognise which book these lines come from?





















This weeks book is…

Silent Heroes

Synopsis/Blurb (Goodreads):

“Silent Heroes is a highly emotional read, action-packed, a vivid story of enormous sacrifice and bravery.When Talibans descends in the village of Nauzad and discover girls can read, a woman accepts the blame and is killed on the spot for breaking the Islam law. Her teenage daughter witnesses the sacrifice and swears revenge, her life and that of her brother becoming intertwined with those of the US Marines serving at FOB Day nearby.But the Taliban is infiltrated everywhere and friends or foes are hard to differentiate. The U.S. Marines fight with bravery to protect the civilians of Nauzad and to fend off the Taliban at Qala-e-Bost, thus protecting Bost Airport, a vital strategic point for the allies. Faced with questions about the necessity of the war, with the trauma of losing their platoon-mates and the emotional scars of battle, the US Marines race against time in one last battle of eradicating the Taliban before it is too late. The War in Afghanistan is a contemporary, vitally important conflict whose meaning needs to be understood by the public worldwide. ‘Silent Heroes’ is a narrative about the value of life and the necessity of combat; the terror of dying; the ordeal of seeing your loved ones and your platoon-mates killed in front of your eyes; the trauma of taking a human life.From the storyteller of the Bestseller “Joyful Trouble” comes a riveting, fictional account inspired by the War in Afghanistan, a battle that spanned centuries and has affected the lives of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians.

Have you read this book? How did you find it? Let me know down below.

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