Spare Room by Dreda Say Mitchell (Audiobook Review)

Spare Room by Dreada Say Mitchell

Spare RoomFormat: Audiobook

Source: BorrowBox

Publisher: Bloodhound Books

Genres: Crime, Mystery, Psychological Thriller

Narrator: Kristin Atherton

Length: 10 hours 23 minutes

Publication Date: 1st June 2019

Synopsis/Blurb (taken from Goodreads):

“Home Is Where The Nightmare Is

Beautiful double room to let to single person

Lisa, a troubled young woman with a past, can’t believe her luck when she finds a beautiful room to rent in a large house. The live-in owners are a kind and welcoming couple. Everything is fine until she finds a suicide note hidden in her room. But when the couple insist this man didn’t exist and that Lisa is their first tenant, Lisa begins to doubt herself.

Compelled to undercover the secrets of the man who lived in the room before her, Lisa is alarmed when increasingly disturbing incidents start to happen. Someone doesn’t want Lisa to find out the truth.

As the four walls of this house and its secrets begin to close in on Lisa, she descends into a hellish hall of mirrors where she’s not sure what’s real and what’s not as she claws her way towards the truth…

Did this room already claim one victim?
Is it about to take another?”


My Thoughts & Review

This was another audiobook that I downloaded from BorrowBox. I wasn’t entirely sure what it was about but I had seen and read a few reviews raving about this so I just had to give it ago.

This is a dark psychological thriller that pulled me in the very start. It’s about a trouble young woman called Lisa, who is troubled by terrifying nightmares which she has been having after and horrific event that happened when she was younger. The past events and nightmares have left her physically and mentally scared. Lisa moves into a spare room, that a couple have in their house and she finds a suicide note. She then makes it her mission to find out who the note belonged to. That’s when the gripping twists and turns will get you hooked and have you sitting at the edge of your seat, making you want to know more.

Spare Room is a well written, fast paced psychological thriller, that I’m so glad I picked up. It’s been a good few months since I’ve been hooked on a great book.

Dreda Say Mitchell has also done a great job with all the characters, they developed and grew in such a way that I was actually quite surprised that I ended up liking several characters who at the beginning of the book were not my favourite.

This one is definitely going on my list of favourite books of 2019. An absolutely great read. This was my first book by this author and I can’t wait to try the rest.

Highly recommend this one, if you haven’t already read it.

My Rating


Have you read this book? What did you think of it? Share your thoughts in the comments and let’s get chatting.

Happy Reading Everyone!!!

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  1. Wonderful review, Mani! I also have this one on my list and I’m looking forward to reading it. It’s so nice when you grow to like characters at first seemed too plain as often happens in thrillers.

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