WWW Wednesday – 22nd May 2024

Hi Bookish Friends,

Welcome to my WWW Wednesday!

Hope you’ve had a great week!

I’ve had another busy week, but also a lovely one. I met up with friends, attended a couple of doctor appointments and spent the weekend with my nephews.

In terms of reading it started off a little slow but I managed to get a lot read during appointments. So, without further ado let’s dive right into this weeks reading update!

What is WWW Wednesday?

It’s a weekly meme that I first discovered on Roachies Reviews blog, and that is originally hosted by Taking on a World of Words.

All you have to do is answer 3 simple questions:

I’m currently working my way through 4 books.

Belly Woman by Benjamin Black (eBook): I picked this one up over the weekend. I’m not very far into it but it sounds very interesting. I’m reading this for an upcoming blog tour with Dave @The_WriteReads/@WriteReadsTours and Neem Tree Press.

Where Sleeping Girls Lie by Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé (Physical): My library book hold came through at the library. I was planning to pick this up next week, but I only have it on loan for two weeks at the moment, so I had to pick it up sooner. I’ve managed to make good progress and am almost 150 pages in. Although I’m intrigued about where the story is going, I do have some mixed thoughts on it at the moment.

One Small Voice by Santanu Bhattacharya (Physical): I was kindly sent a finished review copy of this by Penguin. I only started this one last night but I seem to be flying through it already and I am liking what I’ve read so far!

Shadows of The Dark Realm by Tyler Edwards (eBook): I didn’t realise how big this book was, but I’m making good steady progress with it. It’s a high fantasy and I’m loving the characters and world building so far!!

The Institution by Helen Fields (Audiobook): I finally managed to tick this off the *Everand Audiobook TBR. I was hooked from the very start and could stop listening to the audiobook. 💙💙💙💙1/2

In Memoriam by Alice Winn (Physical): I was kindly sent a finished review copy by Penguin. This was a little different from what I would usually pick up and while I found this to be an interesting read I did feel it could have been better. I will be sharing a review post soon wso keep an eye out. 💙💙💙

The Good, The Bad, And The Aunties by Jesse Q. Sutanto (Physical): This was another library book hold that came through. I enjoyed this one very much, it was a nice quick read and exactly what I needed over the weekend. 💙💙💙💙

Step Inside My Soul by Nick Curran – I had been looking forward to reading this one after hearing some great things about it, but sadly I only made it to 89 pages before deciding to DNF it. The main reason was because it just felt very slow and honestly even after 89 pages I still hadn’t been pulled in. I might give this another go if the audiobook becomes available at my library.

Next up will hopefully be the Spine Tinglers series by J.A. Kahn. I was kindly sent the series by the author! I’ve wanted to pick this up ever since the ebooks arrived in my email!!

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  1. I’ll be waiting for your thoughts on Where Sleeping Girls Lie! Looks interesting, but I’m not sure it’ll be for me. Same goes for Shadows of The Dark Realm–I just finished a slightly chunky high fantasy (The Poppy War) and I’m definitely interested in more. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • I had to return Where Sleeping Girls Lie back to the library. I have put another hold on it but probably won’t be getting it back anytime soon. I wasn’t loving it but was still interested enough to see where it was going. I’m almost done with Shadows Of The Dark Realm and loving it!! Oh I loved The Poppy War series, hope you love the rest of the books too!! Happy reading!!


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