The God Of The Woods by Liz Moore (eARC Review)

Format Read: eBook

Source: NetGalley

Genres: Mystery, Thriller, Fiction

Publisher: HarperCollins UK, Harper Fiction

Publication Date: 4th July 2024

Synopsis/Blurb (Taken from Goodreads):

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My Thoughts

“The God Of The Woods,”  revolves around the disappearance of Barbara from a campsite. Barbara is the teenage daughter of a wealthy and influential family, who are also the owners of the camp. 15 years earlier, Barbara’s brother Bear also disappeared from the same camp and was never found.

The book is well-written and filled with intriguing descriptions. However, I struggled to follow the storyline due to multiple points of view and dual timelines. While I don’t usually mind these, in this case, it was difficult to distinguish the different perspectives and the jumps in time were confusing. This was mainly because the story alternated between the current situation of missing Barbara and her brother’s disappearance with little to no warning.

Regarding the characters, I couldn’t connect with any of them, and some seemed one-dimensional and annoying.

When I first saw this book on NetGalley, I was expecting more of a mystical fantasy based purely on the title and front cover. Overall, it’s a good mystery thriller but a slow burn.

I would like to thank NetGalley and the publishers Harper Collins UK, and Harper Fiction for providing me with a digital review copy (eARC). These are my honest and unbiased thoughts, and I am sharing them voluntarily.

My Rating

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