In Memoriam by Alice Winn (Review)

Format Read: Physical

Source: Publisher

Genres: Historical Fiction

Publisher: Penguin General UK, Viking

Publication Date: 7th March 2023

Synopsis/Blurb (Taken from Goodreads):

page divider

My Thoughts

The book has generated a lot of buzz and glowing reviews, but for me, it fell short of expectations. While I understand that reading experiences can vary, I couldn’t help but feel a tinge of disappointment at not being able to fully immerse myself in the story.

The writing, though rich in detail, felt excessive in some areas, and the pacing seemed erratic. There were moments of intense engagement, but they were interspersed with sections that seemed to plod along.

My main gripe was the lack of a detailed depiction of WW1, which only seemed to gain prominence in the latter half of the book, leaving me wanting more. Additionally, the characters felt underdeveloped, making it a challenge to connect with them and invest in their journey.

Despite my reservations, I must emphasize that this isn’t a bad book, and I would be open to exploring other works by the author. However, I had anticipated a stronger emphasis on historical elements rather than the predominant romantic aspect.

I would like to express my gratitude to Viking Books UK for providing me with a final review copy. The above thoughts are my genuine and unbiased opinion, and I am sharing them voluntarily.

My Rating

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