Wild East by Ashley Hickson-Lovence (Mini Review)

Format Read: Physical

Source: Amazon Vine Program

Genres: Contemporary, Young Adult

Publisher: Penguin

Publication Date: 23rd May 2024

Synopsis/Blurb (Taken from Goodreads):

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My Thoughts

I recently came across a truly captivating and thrilling adventure. It’s a book written in verse (poetry format) and includes a suggested playlist, which completely transformed the experience for me since it was the first time I’ve ever listened to a playlist recommended in a book. The story revolves around Ronny, a young black boy who feels like he doesn’t fit in after moving to East Anglia with his mother.

The author has done a commendable job in portraying the mindset and motivations of some teenage boys and addressing real and troubling issues with honesty and sensitivity. The impact of the language and words used in this book is immeasurable, and the format is relatable to a younger generation.

I had never heard of this book before, but I believe it’s a book that people of all ages should consider picking up.

My Rating

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