Sunshine Blogger Award!!! (Round 8)


Thanks so much to the wonderful Dini over at Dini Panda Reads for nominating me for my 8th Sunshine Blogger  Award. I love doing these every time. Although I’m really bad at doing them on time. Sorry for the delay Dini I know you tagged my back in November.  

Don’t forget to follow Dini if you don’t already.

You can read Dini’s answers here

You can read my previous Sunshine Blogger Award posts here: 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5, 6, 7



The Sunshine Blogger Award is given to those who are creative, positive and inspiring while spreading sunshine to the blogging community.


  • Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you.
  • Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
  • List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.


Questions from Emer:

1) If you could get an ARC of any one of your most anticipated releases, which would it be?

I’m really looking forward to reading the new Ken Follett book The Evening and the Morning, which is due to be published in Autumn this year. I’m currently working my way through the Pillars of the Earth series, and hoping to have all three books read before this Prequel comes out.

2) What is your least favorite book you have read this year?

There have been several. But the most resent at the time of answering this question is One Day by David Nicholls.

3) What is a book or series that you feel is overrated?

Daisy Jones & The Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid. I felt this book was over hyped. It wasn’t a bad read but I just couldn’t work out why it was so hypes and I still can’t.

4) What is a book that you always recommend to everyone?

Shantaram every time you’re all probably tired of me mentioning it now, but it’s my all time favourite and one of only few that I have re-read.

5) What is a hyped book you have no interest in reading? 

The Cruel Prince by Holly Black. I have to admit I did borrow the book from the library but returned it 2 days later.

6) What is a movie/TV show location that you want to visit IRL?

This is a hard one I would love to travel the world, and I can’t choose just one place.

7) It’s a dark and stormy winter’s night. What book would you curl up beside the fire to reread?

IT or The Shinning by Stephen King

8) Would you only check out books from libraries or buy all your books new for the rest of your life?

If I had enough money and a big enough place to store them all I would buy all me books new. But I don’t have either so I’d be happy to check out books from libraries.

9) What’s your favourite time of the day to to read?

I don’t really have a favourite time of day as I’m happy to read at anytime of day.

10) Best bookstore you’ve visited?

I would have to say The Kinokuniya Bookstore in Dubai. OMG it’s like a never ending bookstore.

11) If you could have dinner with three authors who would they be and why?

Oh, this is a hard one I have quite a few favourites and would be happy to meet anyone of them. But,  I’m going to say C.J Tudor, Cara Hunter, and Stephen King. These are the authors who’s books are always on my to buy/wish lists all the time. but most of the time I can’t wait for them to be gifted so end up buying them for myself.


My Questions for you:

I’m going to keep the same questions as  as I’m feeling lazy

1. What is your least favourite bookish trope?

2. What is your favourite type of breakfast food?

3. It’s a dark and stormy winter’s night. What book would you curl up beside the fire to reread?

4. Do you prefer bookstagram or bookish twitter?

5. Is there any one else in your family or circle of friends that reads?

6. Has any book ever given you nightmares? If yes then what book?

7. Do you like to keep your books in pristine condition or are you happy to write in them or dog ear them etc?

8. What is your favourite song right now?

9. Have you any other hobbies besides reading?

10. Are you a member of any book groups either online or in real life?

11. What book that is not yet published are you most excited to read?


I nominate:

This time round I won’t be tagging anyone specific aster are just way too many wonderful bloggers out there who deserve to be tagged. So, instead I’m tagging everyone who reads this post. SO CONSIDER YOURSELF TAGGED.

If you decide to do this tag don’t forget to link back to this post so I can read all your wonderful answers.

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