WWW Wednesday – 26th June 2024

Hi Bookish Friends,

Welcome to this week’s  WWW Wednesday!

I hope you’ve had a great week since last weeks update. I’ve had a great one.

My birthday celebrations continued throughout the weekend, and I received some more book presents.  The celebrations are continuing this weekend too as I’m meeting up with a couple more friends, as we had to rearrange a meet-up as their little one picked up a bug from nursery and they didn’t want to pass it on.

On the reading front, it was a little slower but I did manage to finish a couple  of books. So, without further ado, let’s dive right in!!

What is WWW Wednesday?

It’s a weekly meme that I first discovered on Roachies Reviews blog, and that is originally hosted by Taking on a World of Words.

All you have to do is answer 3 simple questions:

I’m currently working my way through 3 books.

The Sanctuary by Andrew Hunter Murray (Audiobook): My audiobook hold of this book came in yesterday from the library. I’ve wanted to read for so long, but now I’ve started it. I’m not too sure about it. I’m really hoping I can get into it a bit more.

The Idle Stance Of The Tippler Pigeon by Safinah Danish Elahi (eBook): I have picked this up for an upcoming blog tour with Dave @The_WriteReads/@WriteReadsTours and @NeemTreePress. So far, I’m really enjoying it and am flying through it!

The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu (Physical): I’ve not been able to pick this one up asmuch I have wanted to but I am enjoying it very much, and am almost at the halfway point. Netflix series.

Shōgun by James Clavell (Physical/Audiobook): I’m still working my way through this tome. I’ve only managed to read 3 pages in the last 2 weeks 😂.  The only excuse I have is that I didn’t want to carry it around when I went to a hospital appointment.

The Book Of Perilous Dishes by Doina Rusti (Physical): I read this for an upcoming blog tour with Dave @The_WriteReads/@WriteReadsTours and Neem Tree Press. You can read my full thoughts on this book on my stop on Tuesday 2nd July 2024. 💙💙💙

Lost In Dara by Robert Barrett (eBook): This was a fun and unique read. I managed to download this on my Olf Kindle so managed to race through it. 💙💙💙💙

Next, I will be picking up my NetGalley eARC of Bringer Of Dust by J. M. Miro. I didn’t get a chance to pick this up this week!!

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Blackthorn Book Trusted Reviewer
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