WWW Wednesday – 19th June 2024

Hi Bookish Friends,

Welcome to this week’s  WWW Wednesday!

I hope you’ve had a great week.

I had another busy one but also a lovely one.

I spent the weekend with my nephews. On Saturday, they came around, and we ended up watching movies and cartoons as it rained all day. On Sunday, we went around to my brother’s house to celebrate Father’s Day.

Yesterday it was my birthday. It was a pretty quiet one. I didn’t do much as it was a weekday, but I will be celebrating it over the weekend.

On the reading front, it was a nice steady one. So, without further ado, let’s dive right in!!

What is WWW Wednesday?

It’s a weekly meme that I first discovered on Roachies Reviews blog, and that is originally hosted by Taking on a World of Words.

All you have to do is answer 3 simple questions:

I’m currently working my way through 3 books.

The Book Of Perilous Dishes by Doina Rusti (Physical): This arrived yesterday, and I couldn’t wait to start it. I’m reading this for an upcoming blog tour with Dave @The_WriteReads/@WriteReadsTours and Neem Tree Press. I am only one chapter in, but the book sounds intriguing, and I can’t wait to make more progress with it.

The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu (Physical): I started this over the weekend and so far like what I’ve read. As I mentioned in earlier posts, I decided to pick it up after watching the Netflix series.

Lost In Dara by Robert Barrett (eBook): I’m enjoying this book, but I just wish I could sit down with it for longer. My Kindle seems to be playing up and keeps freezing after almost every chapter. I have tried restarting and resetting the Kindle, but it keeps happening. The strangest thing is that it’s only happening with this book. It works fine on the Kindle App, so I  have moved over to reading on my tablet, but due to eye strain on the tablet, progress is slow.

Shōgun by James Clavell (Physical/Audiobook): I’m still working my way through this tome. I haven’t had a chance to pick it up this week, but I hope to make more progress with it soon.

Spy X Family Vol 11 by Tatsuya Endo (eBook): This was another fun instalment in the Spy X Family series!! Now I have to wait for the next volume to come in at the library. Might be a long wait as it’s coming from out of the Borough and their library users get priority. I also have my fingers crossed that my library will be adding it to the online catalogue, too, so I don’t have to wait too long. 💙💙💙💙

The Forest of Fate by D. H. Willison (Physcial): I finished this over the weekend and absolutely loved it. It was great to dive back into the world of Arvia and meet some new characters. I will be sharing my full thoughts on this soon, so keep an eye out!! 💙💙💙💙1/2

Next, I’m hoping to pick up NetGalley eARC of Bringer Of Dust by J. M. Miro. I can’t wait to continue to this series!!

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