WWW Wednesday – 12th June 2024

Hi Bookish Friends,

Welcome to my WWW Wednesday!

A little life update for you all, the last couple of weeks have been so busy that I ended up taking an unplanned week off from blogging. I’m not mad about it but I have missed catching up with everyone’s updates and reviews.

June is a busy month with lots of birthday celebrations, last week we celebrated my brother’s birthday, yesterday my dad’s and mine is coming up next week!! Lots of cake and food has and will be consumed!!

I also picked up my new car!! Now, I just need to work out how to use all the fancy functions and features that are included!!

Health wise things have been a little up and down. I think I may have overdone it during the good days, again I’m not mad about it, as it means I managed to do some fun things. I am starting a new IV infusion at the hospital today so hopefully that will help🤞.

In terms of reading, last week was very slow, and I read almost nothing. This week, however, things have picked up thanks to hospital appointments and thanks to the travelling back and forwards, to said appointments!!

So, without further ado let’s dive right in!!

What is WWW Wednesday?

It’s a weekly meme that I first discovered on Roachies Reviews blog, and that is originally hosted by Taking on a World of Words.

All you have to do is answer 3 simple questions:

I’m currently working my way through 3 books.

The Forest of Fate by D. H. Willison (Physcial): I started this last night and can’t wait to make more progress with it as I loved the last book from this author!!

Lost In Dara by Robert Barrett (eBook): I was kindly sent a review copy of this book by the author. This is the first book in The Kaleidoscope Chronicles. I started it over the weekend but haven’t been able to pick it up as much as I would have liked. But I’m liking what I have read so far.

Shōgun by James Clavell (Physical/Audiobook): I’m making good progress with this tome, and am having a fun time reading it. I made it to the halfway point!!

Spine Tinglers I, Spine Tinglers II & Spine Tinglers III by J.A. Kahn(eBook): I finished the series and it was such a quick and fun read!! I won’t say too much as I will be reviewing all three books in the series soon hopefully!! 💙💙💙💙

Shadows of The Dark Realm by Tyler Edwards (eBook): I finally finished this one and I absolutely loved it! Again I will be sharing a review for this one soon! 💙💙💙💙1/2

The Last Murder at the End of the World by Stuart Turton (Physical): I wasn’t too sure how I would get on with this one after finding previous books from the author just Meh, but I really enjoyed this one. It was very different and I couldn’t put it down. 💙💙💙💙

Next I’m hoping to pick up The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu. My library book came in over the weekend and I only have it on a two week loan. I recently watched the Netflix adaptation. And while I enjoyed the series it felt like key information was missing, so I’ve decided to read the book to see what’s been missed.

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